It seems that fewer cases are taken to trial and even fewer are tried before a jury. Yet, not more than seven months after trying case a 5-day jury trial, Costello Porter Law Firm tried its second case before a local jury in 2017.
This most recent case was only 17 months in duration, from complaint to verdict. During that time, Costello Porter Law Firm defended its client against multiple claims, including punitive damages, raised by two plaintiffs. The Plaintiffs sought damages of one-quarter million dollars. Yet, by the end of the three-day jury trial, Costello Porter received a jury verdict for much, much less.
The Firm understands the importance of allowing its associates to receive trial experience. For the Firm, Jonathan McCoy acted as lead attorney; attorney Heather Bogard was second chair; and Vikki Kelner, paralegal, supported at trial. The Team was also assisted by the Firm’s legal intern, Kristen Basham, a third year law student at the University of South Dakota Law School. It is anticipated that Ms. Basham will be joining the Firm after graduating from law school in 2018.
Though each case is different and final results cannot be predicted, Costello Porter Law Firm stands resolute in its unwavering conviction to bring prepared, focused attorneys to Court. This has certainly led to satisfied clients in 2017.